Depression and how to fight it?

Author: U.N.

‘Depression’ a common phenomenon that unfortunately has become very common in almost every household, it is an illness that drastically affects the way one thinks, one acts and the day to day life on how one performs on their tasks. Although depression is not an internal illness as it is something that builds up gradually or due to some contributing factors that instill inside a person’s head or in their thought process and the sad reality is that unfortunately no one talks about what’s going inside their mind or how they are feeling mentally because in our stigmatic society ‘Depression’ is considered to be something more or less like a ‘Taboo’ but believe you me! If you know someone or personally you yourself are going through some mental distress then you should know this, that it is completely perfect to talk about the problems that you are facing and that you are not alone! And we can promise you this that the first step might seem like the difficult one but it’s only because of that adamancy of not taking that step because once you take that step you’ll keep on climbing the steps to your or your loved ones mental well being, because unfortunately Depression does exist but fortunately it is curable all you need to do is to motivate yourself to talk about it and open up about your issues because a person who’ll listen to your problems won’t listen to judge you but they’ll listen to make sure they can help you find a way out of this made up mental misery that the affected is going through.

‘Depression’ doesn’t happen over-night but Depression can be the cause of years of mental torment, sexual abuse, experiencing domestic abuse or violence while growing up, heartbreaks, failures, not achieving your goals on your desired set time or even the littlest of things can contribute to ignite that flame but most importantly what really causes a person to feel ‘Depressed’ is not wanting to vent out all that build up stress and trauma that’s just sitting there at the back of the head of an individual.

If you’re not comfortable to talk to a counselor (which many people are not) then you should know this that we’re not motivating you to turn to one but YES! What we’ll encourage you to do is to talk to someone whom you believe is your confidant someone who you can talk to without any filtration of any kind whatsoever but it all comes down to one factor


Now enough talking about what causes depression because we need to focus more on the solution and not the problem period!

What can be done to fight-off depression and how can one come about it?

The steps to fight off depression are really simple and doesn’t acquire any rocket science but you need to willing to do so, below are some of the factors that can help you or someone you know going through a tough time as such

  • Meet yourself where you are
  • Be confident enough and keep reminding yourself that you are your only competition
  • Encourage yourself to try new things
  • Keep yourself busy in productive things
  • Go out and about on some expedition
  • Meet up with the people who make you feel good about yourself
  • Do what most makes you feel alive and that you love to do
  • Surround yourself with people who motivate, encourage and listen to you on a daily basis.
  • If you or the person affected say they don’t have friends then talk to your parents as your folks are your primary best friends before anyone
  • Lastly just have the courage to talk to someone about your issues or even better talk to us!

Because we or anyone you know would be more than willing to listen to you and help you out than rather cry out over the loss of our loved ones!

Stay happy, Be healthy and just know there is always a solution and that you have people who are more than willing to help and listen out to you!

Posted in Daily Life, Health & Fitness, Latest.